As a naturopathic doctor, Dr.Ishani’s goal is to find the root cause, create a personalized treatment plan, and prevent disease.


  • Naturopathic Doctor by the College of Naturopaths of Ontario
  • Doctor of Naturopathy from Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine
  • Undergraduate in Honours Biology at Trent University
  • Fertility (Male & Female)

  • Hypothyroidism

  • Adrenal Fatigue

  • Gastrointestinal Health (IBS, GERD, IBD, Celiac Disease)

  • Autoimmune Conditions (Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, Hashimoto Thyroiditis, Graves Disease, Fibromyalgia)

  • South Asian Diet
  • Pediatrics (Allergens, Eczema, Picky Eating, Immune Support)

Dr. Ishani Patel

Naturopathic Doctor

My journey to naturopathic medicine started when I was in my 20’s. I was at a place in my life where I felt like I had exhausted all of my health options, and was looking for hope. Each day brought me new surprises, whether they were good or bad, and my body was constantly adapting to these to the best of its ability. However, nothing helped; it wasn’t until I started to nourish my body and establish the key foundations of my health (sleep, diet, stress, exercise). At this point, I realized that naturopathic medicine taught me how to live my life optimally.


My personal experience and passion is what drove me to become a Naturopathic Doctor. I have always believed that with commitment, education, and encouragement, the body can repair itself back to a state of sustainable health and wellness. I utilize a combination of traditional medicine with evidence based medicine, to help you put all the puzzle pieces together and fill in the gaps to determine the root cause of your health concerns. My goal is to work with you collaboratively to determine the root cause, create a personalized treatment plan, and prevent disease.

Other Team Members

Although you may be seeing Maiya for your healthcare needs, the Nourishing Balance takes a holistic approach to ensure your mental, physicial, and emotional health get the attention they deserve. Get to know some of our other practitioners.